About Hobart Shops
(Hobart, Tasmania - TAS, Australia)

The best shopping in Tasmania can be found on Hobart's Elizabeth street and the area to its west.
Shopping: Where to Shop in Hobart
Located in the heart of Hobart, Elizabeth street includes the popular Elizabeth Street Mall, offering big retail names a food court and entertainment. Also in the city centre, Murray street has two large shopping malls: Cat and Fiddle Shopping Arcade and Centrepoint Shopping Centre.
Hunting for bargains in the city is great fun at Salamanca Market. Held weekly along the waterfront, over 250 stalls set up to sell all types of products including local food and Tasmanian art. The Northgate Flea Market held every Sunday is also a good place to look for bargains.
Shopping Centres and Malls
Cat and Fiddle Arcade
Address: Murray Street, Hobart, Tasmania (TAS), Australia
Tel: +61 (0)3 6231 2088
Website: www.catandfiddlearcade.com/
Centrepoint Shopping Centre
Address: 70 Murray Street, Hobart, Tasmania (TAS), Australia
Tel: +61 (0)3 6234 3453
Website: www.centrepointhobart.com.au/
Address: Bligh Street, Rosny Park, Tasmania (TAS), Australia
Tel: +61 (0)3 6244 5222
Website: www.eastlandsshopping.com.au/
Elizabeth Street Mall
Address: 50 Elizabeth Street, Hobart, Tasmania (TAS), Australia
Tel: +61 (0)3 6238 2886
Address: 387 - 393 Main Road, Glenorchy, Tasmania (TAS), Australia
Tel: +61 (0)3 6272 0122
Website: www.northgateshopping.com.au/